Gradinarul noptii

Magie! In oraselul lui William, verdeata care impanzeste strazile capata peste noapte forme nemaivazute: de bufnita inteleapta, de elefant, de balaur cu coada de frunzis. Si chiar daca misteriosul gradinar care a creat aceasta lume de poveste dispare la fel de tainic precum a aparut, frumusetea operelor lui le schimba viata tuturor, pentru totdeauna.

O carte incredibil de frumos ilustrata, care ne invata despre cat de important este sa avem grija de bucatica de natura din orasul nostru, dar si cat de frumoasa este lumea cand reusim acest lucru.

EN: The Night Gardener by Terry Fan, Eric Fan

One day, William discovers that the tree outside his window has been sculpted into a wise owl. In the following days, more topiaries appear, and each one is more beautiful than the last. Soon, William’s gray little town is full of color and life. And though the mysterious night gardener disappears as suddenly as he appeared, William—and his town—are changed forever.

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