Dozens of Doughnuts

Ro: LouAnn face gogosi, pregatindu-se de hibernare.
Inainte de insasi prima imbucatura, prietenii sai (care au simtit mirosul bunatatilor) vin in vizita unul dupa celalat, fiind poftiti la masa. LouAnn este fericita sa imparta in mod egal gogosile ei, pregatind tava dupa tava, dar pe masura ce proviziile se termina si ea tot nu a ajuns sa guste din minunatele gogosi, ursulica incepe sa se ingrijoreze si sa isi piarda din buna vointa (si cumpat).

Cea mai indragita si mai amuzanta carte din biblioteca (dupa parerea celui mic in acest moment) este aceasta minunatie de carte. Radem si cantam impreuna si ne distram de minune cu poznasii din poveste ?

“Dozens of Doughnuts este o carte despre placerea de a imparti, dar si despre nevoia de a fi cumpatat in daruri. Este o carte despre emotii si despre prietenie. In versuri, haioasa si cu un grup de personaje dragalase, este usor sa ajunga pe lista cartilor preferate si a celor mici, dar si a celor ceva mai mari.

EN: LouAnn (a bear) is making a doughnut feast in preparation for her long winter’s nap. But just before she takes the first bite, DING DONG! Her friend Woodrow (a woodchuck) drops by. LouAnn is happy to share her doughnuts, but as soon as she and Woodrow sit down to eat, DING DING! Clyde (a raccoon) is at the door. One by one, LouAnn’s friends come over—Topsy (an opossum) and then Moufette (a skunk) and then Chip and Chomp (chipmunks)—until it’s one big party.

Louann welcomes her surprise guests and makes batch after batch of doughnuts, always dividing them equally among her friends. But she makes one BIG miscalculation. Soon LouAnn’s kitchen is bare, winter is near, and she’s had nothing to eat at all!

The funniest, cutest, most read book (at the moment) in our house is quite probably “Dozens of Doughnuts”. 

It’s a book about the pleasure of sharing, but also about the need to be wise about it. The cute rhymes, the funny characters and the delightfully funny storyline makes it perfect for my little one and I highly recommend it.

I had a digital ARC a few months ago and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the final copy, as my kid absolutely ADORES this one and I am having so much fun reading it to him.

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