The Little Ghost Who Lost Her Boo!

Little Ghost went out in the middle of the night
and flew up to someone to give them a fright.
She opened her mouth–but her BOO wasn’t there!
All that came out was a rush of cold air.
“I’ve lost my BOO! I’ve lost my BOO!
Where has it gone? What will I do?”

Poor Little Ghost has lost her scary BOO, so she sets out on a nighttime hunt to find it. She searches high and low, but it’s nowhere to be found! Will she ever find her lost BOO? With bold and gorgeous art accompanied by bouncy, rhyming text, The Little Ghost Who Lost Her Boo is a charming, not-so-spooky read aloud perfect for Halloween or any time of year!

O carte simpatica ce ar avea nevoie de multa imaginatie ca sa poata fi reprodusa in alta limba 🙂 Mica fantoma isi pierde strigatul si, in cautarea lui, i se ofera sansa sa il schimbe pe alte zgomote facute de diverse animalute. Dar de fiecare data, fantomita decide ca sunetele – desi perfecte pentru animalutele cu pricina – nu sunt la fel de inspaimantatoare ca strigatul pierdut, care ii este foarte drag si de care are nevoie.

Lucas se amuza mereu cand ii citesc cartea, (inca) ii (mai) place sa reproduca si el diverse sunete, desi nu e foarte darnic cand e vorba de propriul BOO :)))

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