Take a look inside your head. It’s really important, because it protects your amazing brain. Your brain creates your mind, which is what makes you who you are. Find out how your brain controls your senses, and even how to see inside someone else’s mind.
See Inside Your Brain introduces the human brain, inviting readers to lift the flaps and explore the brain and nervous system, how the brain controls different parts of the body, and what can happen when the brain doesn’t function properly.
Alaturi de alte carti pentru cei mici legate de corpul uman, isi gaseste casuta pe rafturile bibliotecii si aceasta minunatie, care ofera incredibil de multe informatii pretioase despre creier si modul lui de functionare.
Structura poate ar mai fi avut nevoie de ceva organizare, dar informatiile sunt cuprinzatoare iar ilustratiile pe intelesul cititorului.