This is the story of a persistent problem and the child who isn’t so sure what to make of it. The longer the problem is avoided, the bigger it seems to get. But when the child finally musters up the courage to face it, the problem turns out to be something quite different than it appeared.
What Do You Do With a Problem? is a story for anyone, at any age, who has ever had a problem that they wished would go away. It’s a story to inspire you to look closely at that problem and to find out why it’s here. Because you might discover something amazing about your problem… and yourself.
O carte incantatoare despre probleme si solutionarea lor.
Despre felul cum ne urmaresc, ne invaluie, ne acapareaza complet atentia, dar si despre felul in care trebuie sa le analizam, sa le reducem la esenta, sa ne incredem in fortele proprii si sa profitam de oportunitatile care ni se ofera.
Si da, am folosit intentionat persoana 1 plural – pentru ca si adultul, parintele, are de invatat din aceasta carte alaturi de micutii pasionati de lectura