Look Inside: Your Body

This is a wonderful flap book introducing children to the way their own bodies work in a fun and informative way. It is a new, smaller format of the “Look Inside” series, perfect for little fingers. It is full of surprises to keep enquiring minds entertained, including flaps beneath flaps and a cheeky peek inside a toilet cubicle. Young readers’ minds will boggle as they learn about how their brains work, what happens when they eat, how their lungs use oxygen and much more. 

Lucas e fascinat de corpul uman si de aceasta carte – care a ajutat si la o prima julitura mai serioasa, cand a inteles ce se intampla (de ce il doare, cum se vindeca, etc.)

Sincera sa fiu, si eu sunt incantata de ea peste masura si mi-as fi dorit-o la vremea mea. Frumos colorata, frumos ilustrata, cu explicatii succinte si pe intelesul celor mici, cartea aceasta este o adevarata comoara.

Chiar si fara explicatiile in format text (in engleza) cartea arata explicit – prin ilustratii si decupaje – ce se intampla in corp, din ce e alcatuit el, cum functioneaza. La nici 3 anisori, Lucas a inteles foarte bine conceptele prezentate in ea si ii este tare draga.

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