The Perfect Birthday Recipe

Summer birthdays can be lonely, but not when you have great friends like Beavers! This year Tortoise, Bird, Rabbit, and Squirrel insist on baking Beaver’s birthday cake, but Beaver isn’t so sure. He is the ultimate perfectionist and would rather do it himself, following the recipe exactly. Will Beaver’s nitpicky ways ruin his birthday and his friendships? The Perfect Birthday Recipe is the fourth and final story in Katy Hudson’s best-selling set of seasonal picture books, including Too Many Carrots, A Loud Winter’s Nap, and The Golden Acorn.

This edition is coming out on 02 Mar, 2020.

(RO) Aceasta carte nu putea sa vina intr-un moment mai bun, ziua strumfului fiind fix in aceasta perioada, iar seria cu micii poznasi fiind una foarte draga lui (si, desigur, noua).

Cartea e dragalasa si dragalas ilustrata, in stilul cu care deja ne-a obisnuit autoarea. Povestea vorbeste despre nevoia unora dintre noi de a controla fiecare aspect din anumite momente, arata presiunea pe care o poate pune asupra cuiva dorinta ca ziua de nastere sa fie “perfecta”, si evidentiaza nevoia de prieteni pentru ca un moment sa fie cu adevarat perfect.

Ce nazdravanii vor face personajele noastre dragi, cum va arata ziua de nastere a castorului si cat de pe gustul lui va fi tortul (si.. totul), urmeaza sa vedeti cand va aparea cartea, pe la inceputul anului viitor.

Intre timp…
La multi ani, iubirea mea mica!

(EN) Lucas’ birthday was on the 4th of December, so the timing was simply perfect.
And talking about perfection, so is this story about friendship, about the need for control and the desire for things to be perfectly planned.

*cough* Some of us can definitely relate *cough*

Katy Hudson is a top favourite of ours, her stories always make us laugh, while the colourful & cute illustrations give such joyful vibes. Lucas fell deeply in love again with these characters and he is eager to hold the actual book in his hands.

I left the good parts out of the photo gallery, as I don’t want to spoil anything beforehand, but (oh!) how I adore it! I was that child hoping for the perfect birthday, disappointed by the blandness and unpredictability of the world outside my own head, so I hope that it will help the little ones truly enjoy their birthday as it comes.

Happy birthday, my little love!

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