Every Little Letter

Ro: Micile litere h au trait mereu alaturi de ceilalti H intr-un oras inconjurat de ziduri, pentru a le tine in siguranta. Cel putin asta sustin literele mari. Dar intr-o zi, o gaura din zid scoate la iveala ceva surprinzator. Cand micul si curiosul h se intalneste cu un mic si indraznet i, impreuna creeaza un cuvant mic, dar cu insemnatate mare: hi! (salut!). Doar ca literele mari afla de incident si acopera golul din zid. Acest fapt nu va sta insa in calea prieteniei dintre cei doi.
“Every little letter” arata cum si cel mai mic dintre noi poate avea un impact mare in lumea din jur, arata cum un mic gest de prietenie poate inspira comunitati intregi sa se alature initiativei.

Cum poti darama zidurile?
Cuvant cu cuvant mai intai.
Apoi caramida cu caramida.

Unele carti par atat de simple la prima vedere! Dragalase si simpatice si frumos ilustrate. Dar dincolo de asta, printre cuvinte rasar idei, idei ce in mintea cititorului prind viata, cresc, infloresc.

Aceasta este una dintre acele carti, care – desi scrisa pentru cei mici – sadeste idei marete in mintile si inimile lor. Deschide discutii despre subiecte complexe care pot fi abordade intr-un mod pe intelesul lor. O recomand cu caldura, iar noi o citim cu cea mai mare placere 🙂

EN: Small h has always lived with the other H’s in a city surrounded by walls that keep them safe. At least, that’s what the big H’s say. But one day, a hole in the wall reveals someone new on the other side. When little h and little i meet, they make a small word with big meaning: “hi!” The other H’s find out, though. They fill the hole. But it won’t be enough to keep these little letters apart—or twenty-four of their newest friends. Every Little Letter shows how even the smallest among us can make a big impact, and how a single act of friendship can inspire whole communities to come together. How do you tear down walls? With words, at first. Then brick by brick.

Some books pack so much inside their pages, between lovely illustrations and simple words… so much beauty, such deep meaning!

“Every little letter” opens up many discussions… from the importance of language to the need for social interaction, from isolation to cooperation, from the walls built to keep out to the ones to keep in, from the need to see outside the box to the beauty of just looking inside yourself.

Yes, I’ve been told that I read way too much into things. But isn’t that why they invented stories? 😉
My kid only says: “mom, these letters are so cute I want to hug them all”.

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